Guest post from the hubby

I decided to steal the keyboard a little bit tonight - after I joked to SWMBO (She Who Must Be Obeyed) the other day that next time she buys a horse it needs to be a more photographable colour, she joked that I should do so, so... here it is. We'll see if she lets me write another!

Being the hubby I tend to do a lot of standing on the sidelines, offering drinks, taking photos and video, holding horses, walking courses, camping, listening to talk about horses, etc. All the usual parts of married life. Surprisingly (to some) I actually really enjoy it. I decided a long time ago that if I'm going to actually see my wife then I needed to take part, and be properly involved.

On photography duties
Before moving to Perth, I'd never had much to do with horses, and had never anticipated owning them, but I'm glad that I do. I'll be honest... I was utterly clueless. I'd had three previous riding lessons and I really knew nothing. 

It's been a really interesting learning curve and has really turned my life on its head and helped me prioritise things. I've lost track of the number of times I've been told off for walking too close to the back of a horse, or I've grabbed the wrong bridle, and put boots on the wrong feet. At one point I couldn't even recognise which horse was which! The first time Bree bought new cross-country boots, I thought they were for her rather than the horse.

Out riding in the bush.

Thankfully things have improved now though and I can successfully tack up the horses, and hold them for the farrier. I've learnt which way round boots go, and now I know how to take apart, clean, and reassemble a bridle, plus a thousand other things I've picked up along the way.

During my non-pony time I'm a software developer. I work with Open Source eLearning software and spend at least 50 hours a week in front of the screen (often more). When I first started riding with Bree it was a great way of doing something different, away from the screen, where I needed to use my brain and actually couldn't think about work. It was very liberating.

Part of the new 'normal' - riding horses at the beach.

As time has moved on and as things have changed (new ponies, different work and competition schedules, etc.) my roles with the horses have changed.

We have a fairly busy daily schedule and after our morning run I usually go and feed our boys and clean yards. After work I try and make sure to be around when Bree is riding (especially when she is jumping), and for all of her lessons. In a rather comical twist from the universe, Bree has hay-fever and handling the hay tends to set it off so I usually do that too, and all the other odds and sods that come my way.

Morning feed in the fog

I really enjoy the bits I do and they give me good variation in my day, plus a bit of routine that I have to make my job work around rather than the other way around.

More recently I've also been getting more and more involved with the Show Jumping side of things. At the end of last year I qualified as a Judge with both Pony Club, and Equestrian Australia and I'd like to get more experience so I can get involved in course building too.

Making some Show Jump fill

All up, I'm very glad that when I met Bree I took on this new side to my life. It's helped me to balance my work commitments with my life much better, provided a great way to relieve stress, and spend a lot more time outdoors. Definitely a change in my life for the better. It's also been a great way to give back into the sport we love.

Sharing in horses together


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks :)
      It really has changed all sorts of parts of my life and I get a lot out of it.
      I'm definitely fitter, healthier, happier, and I think I'm also probably less stressed.

  2. aw that's awesome - esp that you chose to really participate and immerse yourself in the hobby. your point about needing to focus and use your brain while riding, and thus be *unable* to think about other distractions like work, is one of my favorite aspects of this hobby. that liberation. it's a great feeling!


    1. It really is a great feeling with the added benefit that you can ride out and see some great views in an evening. It can be so peaceful too.
      I'd definitely recommend SOs get involved in some way. You don't have to ride to reap the rewards of horses.


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