Henry is such a good boy. He is really easy to do so much with, and not much scares him (except tiny waves, they eat horses!). Being such a good boy, it's easy to let him get away with small things and not notice until they become slightly bigger things.
Standing like good biys |
Henry was a little distracted last week during our rides. I couldn't quite get him to focus all of his attention and energy on me. He did what I asked though so and we always finished on a good note. Friday was the same, just not quite with me. He had that coiled spring feel though and I had a feeling it could get a little exciting. He kept a lid on it right up until we cantered.
Looking rather grown up! |
As we came around the short side of the arena, a heap of ducks took off from the dam. Henry decided that was enough and started dolphin leaping while running right through his shoulder. I very quickly bought him back and made sure his focus was on me. Lesson learnt!
Eating like a pro |
Saturday our ride was far less exciting and I made sure I had his attention from the second I caught him in the paddock. We had a much better, more productive ride! Coolie managed to pull his shoe off galloping around like a numpty so he scored a second day off.
Sunday the farrier came out bright and early to put Coolies shoe back on. Best farrier ever! I did a heap of chores around the place cycled home (for the first time ever!), then went out a bit later to take the horses to meet up with some friends for a ride.
This summer has been so mild. I would never have dreamed of going riding in the middle of the day in January but it was 25C on Sunday and just perfect. I could get used to this!
So green, it's hard to believe it's Jan! |
My friend rode Coolie, I rode Henry and we went out with another friend on her horse Leo. The horses strolled along and we had a lovely time relaxing, chatting, seeing plenty of roo's and generally having a blast. Henry was such a good boy, it was the first time I had taken him off the property since the accident and as per usual he didn't put a foot wrong.
I love weekends like this!
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