Oxers house crocs!
After our last jumping session, I decided that I needed to push Henry a bit more. He understand he has to get from one side to the other, and he listens pretty well so now we just have to start making it harder.
My aim for the session was to start to establish cantering to fences. His canter is quite balanced so I just needed to man up and get on with it.
We warmed up as we always do, focusing on getting a forward walk and trot, and on our transitions, plus making sure we can turn. The important things in life. After 2 days off Henry was forward but felt really great. He seemed happy to be getting on with it!
We started out trotting a little cross rail, approaching from both reins and halting after it. His halts were wonderfully soft so after a few repetitions we continually trotted into and away from it before I picked up the canter.
Baby horse is still figuring out how his legs go, but the first few times over he NAILED IT! He got a good distance hand kept his cute little canter away from the jump. Plus he didn't freak out.
We added in a second little cross and again Henry tried really hard but had a few interesting spots. He was trying hard though and certainly seemed to be enjoying himself. We went though the bending line I had set up, and strung 3 fences together, trying to maintain the rythm throught the course. He was super and came down to trot if he was unbalanced or unsure. If I kept my leg on then he kept cantering nicely to the jumps too.
Once I was sure we weren't going to do anything too crazy after the oxer, we trotted around and over it. He did a MASSIVE leap over and canter away a little speedily. We came around again and while he gave it a big effort he was slightly less dramatic. He also landed on the correct lead after it!
We added the oxer into our course and after a few calm repetitions called it a day. Pony was sweating! He did have one moment where he knocked the plank and was not pleased about it so he expressed himself with a baby buck. I halted him and then continued with our course because it wasn't a big deal. It was only watching the videos back that I realised it wasn't a baby buck at all, but quite a large one! I laughed quite a lot at the video, and keep watching it because I find it so funny. I think it's safe to say I am starting to feel much more confident with him.
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Still funny! |
what a good baby! love how focused he is even if he's not always 100% sure what's going on lol